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5. 读者有义务妥善保管个人网络账号及电脑,如出现账号被盗、电脑受攻击等情况而造成了电子资源的违规使用,读者将承担相应责任。
6. 如发现违规行为,图书馆将协助学校有关部门进行追查,并进行如下处理:
(1) 通知所在部门领导,违规当事人到图书馆接受调查并提交书面检讨,图书馆向全校范围发布通报批评;
(2) 停止借书权限半年;
(3) 冻结网络帐号半年。
Tel: 62332494, Email: tsg@ustb.edu.cn
Copyright Statement of library electronic resources use
In order to protect the intellectual property rights of electronic resources, to maintain the reputation of University of Science and Technology Beijing(USTB) to guarantee the legal rights of all authorized users as well, the library appeals to all the organizations and individuals to pay attention to and comply with the regulations on intellectual property rights of electronic resources.
1. Any document search or downloading of the library-subscribed electronic resources by any software tools is prohibited.
2. Any systematically over downloading of bibliography、abstract or full-text documents from library-subscribed databases is prohibited.
3. Any redistributing electronic literatures to non-USTB users and any use of these electronic literatures for the purpose of making profits is prohibited.
4. The proxy server on campus is not allowed to set up without the permission of the university library. If it is set up with permission, it should be guaranteed that no users from outside the university are allowed to access the library-subscribed electronic resources.
5. Readers have the responsibility to protect personal network accounts and computers. If violation cases of electronic resources happen because of stolen accounts or attacked computers, all legal consequences shall be taken by violators themself.
6. If there is any violation of the above rules, the library will make a thorough investigation together with university departments concerned. The violator will be punished by the following actions:
(1) Criticize the violator on library website for his wrong behaviour,the violator should go to the library to state the reason for the violation and submit a written review;
(2) Suspend the violator's borrowing privilege from the library for six months;
(3) Suspend his network account for six months.
If there is any serious violation happened, the violator will be punished and reported to the university, and all the legal consequences shall be taken by the violator itself.
All the library users are encouraged to assist the library in supervising the use of electronic resources. If any violation of the rules occurs, please inform the library.
Tel: 62332494
Email: tsg@ustb.edu.cn
Library of University of Science and Technology Beijing