《自然》期刊一直致力于出版最优质、在科学技术各领 域经同行评审的研究成果,贯彻并坚持其原创性、重大性、跨学科影响力、时效性、读者亲和力,发表全球最前沿的学术成果。
自然系列期刊:截至2022年出版57种自然系列期刊(不包括开放获取期刊 - Nature Communications),以满足特定领域科研人员的需求。
1、Nature Machine Intelligence《自然-机器智能》 可访问年限:2021年至今
2、Nature Water《自然-水》 可访问年限:创刊年至今
第一章 总则 第一条 为规范对北京科技大学校园网络电子资源(以下简 称校园网络电子资源)的使用,维护学校及校园网络电子资源出版商的合法权益,依据国际知识产权保护法及国家相关法律法规,
结合我校实际情况制定本办法。 第二条 北京科技大学教职员工和学生,包括在北京科技大学学习和工作的留学生、博士后研究人员、访问学者和进修教师等(以下简称师生)均为校园网络电子资源的合法用户。 第三条 合法用户在使用校园网络电子资源时,应遵守法律法规和学校规定,并遵循合理使用的原则。 第四条 本办法所指校园网络电子资源是由国内外出版商发行并由北京科技大学图书馆订购了校园网使用权的网络正式 出版物,包括数据库、电子期刊、电子图书和多媒体等各类资源。 第二章 电子资源的使用 第五条 合法用户应以个人学习、教学和科研为目的,在校园网内以正常速度检索、浏览、下载或打印电子资源,以符合与图书馆签约的国内外出版商对北京科技大学的合理使用要求。 第六条 校园网络电子资源的合法用户在使用校园网络电子资源时,严禁实施下列行为,如有下列行为,均属违规使用: 1.超过正常阅读速度,或是连续、系统、集中与批量地对校园网络电子资源进行浏览、检索及下载等操作; 2.使用工具软件或智能机器人等检索和下载校园网络电子资源; 3.以营利或获取利益为目的,将所获得的校园网络电子资源提供给非合法用户; 4.未经北京科技大学图书馆许可,向非合法用户提供代理服务或大批量的数据与文献传递; 5.将校园网络电子资源的合法使用权限提供给其他非合法用户使用,包括将校园网上网帐号及 VPN 账号等相关账号转给他人使用; 6.其他违反法律、法规及学校规章制度的行为。
第三章 违规处理 第七条 对违规行为,图书馆将与信息化办公室等相关单位进行调查取证并予以认定。 第八条 在认定违规事实后,图书馆将视违规行为的情节轻重,给予违规者如下处理: 1.违规者向图书馆提交违规使用校园网络电子资源的书面陈述和检查; 2.由图书馆通告违规者所在单位,并在图书馆网站上公示违规者姓名、所在单位及所犯错误的事实,违规者应在图书馆和所在单位相关负责人员的监督下删除违规所下载的数据; 3.冻结违规者相关账户使用权限 3 至 6 个月; 4.违规情节严重者以及再次实施违规行为者,将永久冻结其相关账户,并报请学校予以纪律处分。 第九条 因个人校园网相关账号被盗,或电脑等设备遭受病毒或木马攻击等情况,继而造成校园网络电子资源被违规使用的, 相关责任人也将被视同为违规使用而接受相应处理。 第四章 附则 第十条 由图书馆将违规使用校园网络电子资源的调查和 处理结果通报给相应出版商,取得对方的谅解,以解除对我校的使用封停。 第十一条 因违规使用引发相关法律纠纷及给学校造成经济损失的,责任人必须承担由此产生的一切法律责任和相关损失及赔偿。 第十二条 广大师生协助监督对校园网络电子资源的使用,如果发现违规行为,请向图书馆举报。 第十三条 本办法由图书馆负责解释。
北京科技大学 2016 年 3 月 24 日
Rules and Regulations of Campus Network E-resources
Chapter I: General Provisions
Article 1: E-resources are subject to copyright law and their use is governed by the license agreements that USTB signs with publishers when arranging electronic access. In order to guarantee the legal rights of all authorized users, the library appeals to all to pay attention to and comply with the regulations on intellectual property rights of electronic resources.
Article 2: Access to USTB’s e-resources is restricted to registered staff and students, including international students, postdoctoral researchers, visiting scholars, and visiting teachers.
Article 3: Users should comply with the Laws and regulations of USTB. Make proper use ofthe e-resources.
Article 4: USTB’s e-resources are web resources published by licensed publishers, and purchased by USTB Library, including databases, e-journals, e-books, multimedia resources, etc.
Chapter II: Use of Electronic Resources
Article 5: Authorized users are permitted to search, view, download, and print e-resources on campus network for noncommercial, educational, scholarly, or research use only.
Article 6: Authorized users are prohibited to the following activities:
(I) Continuously or systematically browsing, retrieving or downloading e-resources(with downloading speed exceeds normal reading speed).
(II) Engaging in systematic or excessive downloading, either manually or through the use of technical methods such as software tools or robots.
(III) Redistributing e-resources to unauthorized users for profits.
(IV) Setting up a proxy server or providing excessive amount of e-resources to unauthorized users without permission of USTB Library.
(V) Sharing campus network accounts or VPN accounts with any unauthorized users.
(VI) Any other form of violations of Laws or regulations of USTB.
Chapter III: Trial and Punishment of Violations
Article 7: Any violation of the above rules will be thoroughly investigated and confirmed by the library together with the information office and departments related.
Article 8: Depending on the seriousness of the violation, the violator will be punished through following consequences accordingly:
(I) The violator shall come to the library and submit a written statement and self-criticism of the violation;
(II) The librarywill inform the school of the violator, and publish the name, the school and the fact of the misconduct on the homepage of the library. The violator shall delete all illegal data downloaded from the campus network under certain supervision;
(III) The violator's related accounts will be suspended for three to six months;
(IV) Those who severely violate the rules or commit violations repeatedly will be reported to the university for disciplinary punishment, the accounts will be permanently blocked by the library.
Article 9: If one’s personal network accounts were stolen or the computer and other equipments were attacked by viruses or Trojans, and caused the violation, the relevant responsible person will also be treated as a violator of the rules and shall take the responsibility accordingly.
Chapter IV: Supplementary Provisions
Article 10: The library shall report the investigation and processing results of the illegal use of the campus network electronic resources to the corresponding publishers, and obtain their understanding to resume USTB’s use of the resources.
Article 11: The violator shall take the legal consequences and pay compensation for any related loss or fines caused by the illegal use of the e-resources.
Article 12: All the library users are encouraged to assist the library in supervising the use of electronic resources. If any violation occurs, please inform the library.
Article 13: The library is responsible for the interpretation.
University of Science and Technology, Beijing
March 24,2016